Editorial Board
The editorial board comprises a panel of experts from various disciplines of medical and allied sciences to provide their expertise and guidance in maintaining the clarity of content and focus of the purpose for the journal.
Department of Medical Oncology,
Command Hospital,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Email: editor@indiancancerawarej.com;
Editorial Board Members
Dr. Amba Prasad Dubey
Assistant Professor General Medicine,
Santosh Medical College,
Consultant Medical Oncologist and Hemato-Oncologist,
Shanti Mukand & Clear Medi Hospital,
Delhi NCR, India
Email: ambydubey@gmail.com
Dr. Anvesh Rathore
Consultant Medical Oncology,
Army Hospital (R & R),
Delhi, India
Email: drsonikrathore@gmail.com
Dr. Nikhil Pathi
Consultant Medical Oncology,
Indo American Cancer Hospital,
Hyderabad, India
Email: nikhilpathi7@gmail.com
Dr. Tejas Pandya
Consultant Radiation Oncology,
Command Hospital,
Kolkata, India
Email: tejaspandya141@gmail.com
Dr. Shivshankar Swamy
Consultant Medical Oncology,
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute
Delhi, India
Email: msshankar.bmc05@gmail.com
Dr. A Bandyopadhyay
Consultant Surgical Oncologist,
Command hospital,
Kolkata, India
Email: arnab5872@gmail.com
Prof (Dr) Amitabh Sagar
Consultant Acute Medicine,
ULHT NHS England
MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), MRCP (UK), CESR (Gen Med),
FRCP (Edinburgh), FRCP (Glasgow), FACP (USA), MRCP (London)
Email: amitthephysician@gmail.com
Asst Prof (Surgical Oncology)
Command Hospital (EC)
Kolkata, West Bengal – 700027
Email: drprashant42@gmail.com